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Glass recycling event slated for Saturday

A glass recycling event will be held  Saturday, October 30 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Ada Farmers Market at 12th and Townsend. People can bring their glass jars, bottles, and other items. Metal lids should be removed. Glass containers should be empty but labels can be left on bottles as they are shredded in the crushing process. A red roll-off dumpster will be available to put glass in. It is provided by R&J Roll Offs from Fittstown.

Concrete pavers made from recycled glass will be for sale and orders for more pavers will be taken. Hearts, turtles, circles, and edging stones are available as well as other shapes. The pavers are made with one part glass sand and one part Portland cement that was donated from Holcim. When mixed with water, the blend makes a lightweight and strong concrete. Two students in ECU’s Water Resource Policy and Management Masters Degree have been crushing glass and fabricating pavers. They are Joseph Harris and Brian Bahati Oonga.

A survey to measure the feasibility of a curbside glass recycling program will also be available on Saturday.


Ada Sunrise Rotary owns the glass grinder. Supplies for the project were purchased with a grant from the Oka Institute.

For more information contact Christine Pappas at 580-399-5819 or