SCOTTSDALE, AZ — If you're a Scottsdale resident, you can unload some of your old computer equipment at this weekend's electronics recycling event.
The event is set for 7:30 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturday at 9191 E. San Salvador Drive in Scottsdale.
A photo ID with a Scottsdale address or a city utility bill are required to participate in the recycling event.
Items accepted during the event include:
- Computers and related equipment like personal computers, printers, keyboards, scanners, mice, flat panel monitors, circuit boards and hard drives
- Office equipment like telephones, cell phones, answering machines, pagers, typewriters and calculators
- Entertainment Equipment like cameras, televisions, VCRs, DVRs, DVD players and stereo equipment
Items not accepted include:
- Cathode-ray tub televisions and monitors, projection screen televisions
- Compact fluorescent lights and fluorescent light bulbs
- Batteries
- Appliances like air conditioners, can openers, coffee pots, microwaves, stoves and ovens, refrigerators, washers and dryers and hot water heaters
- Commercial materials
Event safety rules:
- All electronics must be in the trunk of your car or bed of your truck, ready for removal.
- You must stay in your vehicle at all times.