Copper/Aluminum Radiator Ends shall consist of materials that are cut from the end of Copper/Aluminum Radiators. The ends usually consist of iron or steel.
Take the Copper/Aluminum Radiator Ends to the scrap yard along with Copper/Aluminum Radiator scrap, as this will bring in extra money. Identify a few local scrap yards that accept Copper/Aluminum Radiator Ends and compare the prices offered by them. Also, call up a few more scrap yards to ensure best pricing for your scrap.
Copper/Aluminum Radiator Ends must not contain more than 0.3% tin and not more than 3% alloyed iron. It contains nearly 52% Copper and 45% Aluminum content. Also, it must be free of Muntz metal, naval brass or any other alloys.
Copper/Aluminum Radiator Ends are parts made of steel or iron that are used to mount the main unit properly. The removal of Ends will assure best price for Copper/Aluminum Radiators. Generally, scrap yards pay special price for cut off Ends.