SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): The Butte County Board of Supervisors approved a long-term master plan for the Neal Road Recycling and Waste Facility. This will provide major expansion to the County’s landfill. The decision comes as all available landfill space is expected to exhaust within a few years. The debris clean up from the 2018 Camp Fire has led to increased use of the landfill recently.
Josh Pack, Director, County Public Works stated that the master plan comprises of major improvements to the landfill over the next six to ten years. The proposed upgrades include a public drop-off area, reuse area and a self-hauling facility. The County is committed to keep the landfill rates as low as possible, he said. It must be noted that the tipping fees in the County is one of the lowest in the State.
For the first time since January 2015, the Board announced hike in fee schedule rate. The three-year rate increase, beginning 1st July, 2024, will take the prices higher from $42.11 per ton to $48.64 per ton.
The construction works are expected to commence by the end of the current year. The completion is scheduled with 12 to 18 months. The estimated cost of construction is around $15 million.