
City Of Bartlesville To Re-Open Recycling Center

BARTLESVILLE, Oklahoma - The City of Bartlesville will re-open its recycling center today - seven months after it closed.

Bartlesville used to take recyclable materials to the Tulsa facility for processing but when the Tulsa fire happened back in April Bartlesville had to close its center. The City of Bartlesville and other surrounding cities had to find different ways to process its recyclables. 

The company will collect items from the center on an "as needed" basis and then process and sell the items, and return a small portion of the revenue to the City. Bartlesville City Manager said the reopening of the city's recycling center took longer than they would have liked but say it is welcome news for Bartlesville residents.Now, a company called Replenysh is moving into the City Recycling Center. The company is based in California and will take plastic containers, aluminum cans, steel cans, and cardboard.

The recycling center will be open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 7 until 3.