
City of Davis Recycling Program Won Prestigious Award

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): The City of Davis, California announced that its recycling program has won prestigious award from the California Recourse Recovery Association (CRRA). The annual award recognizes excellence in implementing programs and services aimed at reducing, reusing, recycling or composting resources.


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Mayor Josh Chapman said that the award is especially meaningful for the City of Davis as it celebrates 50th year of having a curbside recycling program. The City had received the same award 30 years back when it celebrated two decades of implementation of the service. The City has been a regional leader in recycling and waste reduction programs over the years, he noted.

According to Jennifer Gilbert, the City’s conservation coordinator, the recycling program has been a major contributor to recycled-content paper production. The cleanliness of the paper collected separately from other recyclables by Recoclogy Davis has boosted its demand from paper mills. The City has been witnessing strong market for collected cardboards as well. It must be noted that the other organic wastes are composted locally at the Yolo County Central Landfill and sold to farmers
