
Franklin recycling to transition to roll-out containers

After using its blue bag program, Franklin residents will transition to roll-out containers for their recycling needs starting in 2020. 

Aldermen approved the enhancement to the program this week. The Sanitation and Environmental Services Department is in the process of developing this opt-in, voluntary program. 

The blue bag recycling program began in July 2010, averaging 60% participation. 

“We are hoping Franklin residents will be able to sign up online starting sometime this summer, and we’ll be able to begin delivering the blue bins to registered customers in January 2020," sanitation director Jack Tucker said. "The new roll-out containers will assist us in automating our collection for recyclables. We urge everyone to continue using the blue bags until we begin collecting the blue bin recyclables in 2020."

How to participate 

Those interested in participating can sign up online. 

The city will charge $4 per month for 12 months to cover the blue roll-out container.   After the first year, the city won't administer any additional fees. The 64-gallon blue roll-out container will remain the property of the city.

The blue roll-out containers will be collected the same day as residential trash. When the blue bin program starts, the city will accept clean, dry and loose recyclables in the containers. 

What you can recycle

Franklin sanitation will accept paper and cardboard, plastics one and two, aluminum and steel cans. 

Glass, Styrofoam or plastic bags should not be placed in the blue bins.  The sanitation department also asks residents to rinse out cans and plastic items before throwing them in the bin.