
Lucas County Unveiled Details of New Material Recycling Facility

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): The open house hosted by Lucas County officials provided an opportunity for residents to learn more about the proposed materials recycling facility (MRF), located along the Kuhlman Drive and South Avenue near I-75, at the site of the former South & Western Landfill in Toledo.

According to Lucas County Solid Waste Management District, the stat-of-the-art will process approximately 30,000 tons of recyclables collected from County residents every year. The initial work on the property will be carried out in February and March 2024. The MRF is expected to become operational in 2026, it said.


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The MRF is designed in such a way that residents will not have to change the way in which they recycle. Rather, it will lead to implementation of simpler methods. For instance, the more convenient single-strand recycling drop-offs will allow residents to place everything in one container.

The MRF will sort a wide range of recyclable materials, including plastics, cardboard, glass, paper, metal containers and cartons. The County has already entered into an agreement with Balcones Resources towards receiving, processing and marketing of recyclables. The company will be responsible for operating the MRF as well.

The County has already received a grant of $7 million from the State of Ohio Brownfield Remediation Program Fund, in addition to the $4 million U.S. EPA grant, in support of the facility.
