SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): Marshall County Commissioners have repealed a waste reduction and recycling ordinance passed in 1988. The decision comes after several month of discussions by the Marshall County Solid Waste Board of Directors.
According to Marianne Peters, Director of Marshall County Solid Waste, not all curbside haulers who serve the County residents offer recycling services, as is mandated by the ordinance.
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At the time of passing the ordinance, the County did not have curbside recycling services in place. However, the ordinance had clearly stated that trash service providers are required to offer recycling services as well. Although some companies offer recycling services, many don’t. Surprisingly, there are barely four companies across the County that simultaneously offer hauling and recycling services. Also, whether the companies that claim to be recycling, actually does so.
Peters noted that residents pay higher price for services, without having proper access to recycling services. The County needs to discuss ways to ensure proper recycling services to its residents at an affordable cost.
The repeal of the 1988 waste and recycling ordinance will go into effect on 1st January, 2023, Peters added.