
New Westfield Ordinance Prohibits Single-Use Plastic Utensils in Restaurants

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): The Westfield Town Council announced that a newly introduced ordinance will prohibit use single-use plastic utensils in restaurants. The ordinance now awaits a final reading.

Starting this September, restaurants will be prohibited from distributing single-use food service items such as plastic utensils, straws and condiment packs for take-out and delivery orders, unless the customer requests for them.

A survey conducted by the Green Team among 25 downtown restaurants had indicated that they are in support of the ban. The Green Team will undertake an awareness and education campaign over the next three months.

In case of non-compliance, the restaurants will face an investigation by the Property Maintenance Code Enforcement Officer. Upon detection of violation, the owners of such businesses will be issued a warning notice. Subsequent violations will result in civil penalties, not exceeding $250 for a first violation, $500 for a second violation and $1,500 for each additional violation.

According to Mayor Shelley Brindle, the initiative will help to reduce waste and associated costs, apart from ensuring environmental protection. As per estimates, the U.S. discards approximately 40 billion individual single-use plastic utensils every year.
