
Richmond City Council Approved New Trash Contract

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): The Richmond City’s contract with new trash hauler is set to commence July 1, 2024.

The Richmond City Council, in its regular meeting held 3rd June, 2024, had voted unanimously the proposal for a new five-year contract with Clinton Township-based Priority Waste. The city had received two bids and the one from Priority Waste was selected as it matched closely with the current rates. The new contract covers solid waste, recycling and yard waste. The majority of the services to residents are expected to remain the same, the Council noted.

The new contract will deliver significant cost saving for residents in their monthly bill. It will reduce the tax bill from $234.56 to $224. Previously, the City had contract with WM for trash, recycling and yard waste collection. The first contract with WM was entered in 2006, which was extended several times. The contract offered by WM this year had proposed increased cost, which in turn led to its rejection.

Mayor Tim Rix stated that it was surprised with the changes proposed in the new contract. The City had requested to adjust the proposal. However, the revised contract too was priced almost 15% higher than the current rates.
