Bryan residents looking for a place to recycle their goods will have to find other options following Sunday's closure of the drive-thru recycling center on Briarcrest Drive.
The City of El Paso is gearing up to modify its Curbside Recycling Program to improve its service delivery by plugging recently identified performance gaps.
California views itself as the greenest state, but when it comes to recycling bottles and cans, it’s actually far from it, KPIX discovered in an undercover investigation.
Boston now pays more to have its recyclables hauled away than its trash, so its time to look at getting more creative with how it encourages residents to recycle, City Councilor Matt O'Malley (Jamaica Plain,…
Coshocton County Recycling and Litter Prevention looking to add second packer truck this summer. Funding of $150,000 already set aside in long term planning from CFLP Solid Waste District. Second truck will allow cardboard to…
On Tuesday, the Leon County Board of County Commissioners is set to consider the approval of an amendment to the County’s contract with Marpan Recycling, to ensure the continuation of the County’s “single-stream” recycling program.