Max Cash for Junk Cars
Cash for Cars Chicago, IL
We Buy Junk Cars, Vans, Trucks, & SUV’S in the Chicago Area
How to Sell Your Junk Car for Cash?
Contact us by phone (773-382-8717) and we’ll give you an instant quote.
Tell us when you want your vehicle picked…
We’re the friendly crew who give people nice lumps of cash for their cars. Their junky cars. Their slick-looking cars. Their cars that have faithfully chugged along for years before huffing one final breath. We buy ‘em all. With great big cash pay outs. No hassle, no shenanigans, no weaseling…
Cash For Cars has one simple mission: to simplify the car selling process. It’s our passion, and it’s why we work so hard for our customers. We’re backed by over 35 years in the auto industry, and we’ve worked hard to become the best vehicle purchasing experts in our field…
As one of the world's leading used car buyers and a family-owned business in operation since 1951, we have a long-standing reputation for satisfied customers.
We established the® car valuation website in 2006 and have since become one of the world’s largest buyers of automobiles from the public. We are…