SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): Lawrence County, PA announced that it has secured a state grant towards updating its solid waste management plan. The Municipal Waste Planning Grant of $72,675 was received from the state Department of Environmental Protection. The Solid Waste Management Plan, implemented in 1992, needs to be updated by the state once in every ten years.
Jerry Zona, director of the Lawrence-Mercer Recycling Solid/Waste Department noted that bulk of the grant money will be utilized to fund a professional consultant to put the plan together, by collecting and analysing data. It is a two-year long consultation process, which will see participation of a county solid waste advisory committee and representatives from various waste and recycling companies.
The Department will consider the possibilities of re-implementing regular glass recycling, which was discontinued earlier.
State Rep. Marla Brown (R-Lawrence) said that the state grant is a perfect example of leveraging state resources to the benefit of local community. The updated solid waste management plan will help the County address the rising and changing needs of the community. Furthermore, it will promote sustainability and protect the environment for future generations, Brown added.
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