
Michigan’s Recycling Rate Hit New Record in 2023

SEATTLE (Recycling Monster): According to the most recent statistics published by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy, the state’s recycling rate hit a new record of 23% during the previous year. It must be noted that the state’s recycling rate was only 15% in 2014.


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The Department attributed the jump in recycling to the increased recycling investment made by the state government and various communities. The state has been making huge investments in recycling infrastructure, with the help of Renew Michigan Fund. Recently, grants amounting to $5 million were announced for communities across southeast, central and northern Michigan, aimed at boosting access to curbside recycling program.

Meantime, it acknowledged that there is plenty of room for improvement. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the national recycling rate stands at 34%. The state has to go a long way, when compared with the national rate. Incidentally, Michigan has set a goal of 30% recycling by 2029.

Matt Flechter, a market development recycling specialist at the department stated that the state expects the recycling rate to climb higher during the coming years as well. The Department’s goal is to make recycling easier and cheaper, Flechter added.
